Reverse Brain Drain? Exploring Trends among Chinese Scientists in the U.S. July 15, 2024 INSIGHTSChina has been the most important foreign supplier of U.S.-based scientists for more than two decades.While most China-born, U.S.-based scientists intend to stay in the U.S., the number leaving has steadily increased. After the Department of Justice implemented the "China Initiative" in 2018, departures increased by 75%, with two-thirds of the relocated scientists moving to China.Surveyed scientists of Chinese descent in the U.S. report anxiety and new difficulties in pursuing their research, with 61% considering leaving the U.S. and 45% avoiding federal grant applications.U.S. science will likely suffer given the loss of scientific talent to China and other countries. Read more of the Brief HERE.
Reverse Brain Drain? Exploring Trends among Chinese Scientists in the U.S. July 15, 2024 INSIGHTSChina has been the most important foreign supplier of U.S.-based scientists for more than two decades.While most China-born, U.S.-based scientists intend to stay in the U.S., the number leaving has steadily increased. After the Department of Justice implemented the "China Initiative" in 2018, departures increased by 75%, with two-thirds of the relocated scientists moving to China.Surveyed scientists of Chinese descent in the U.S. report anxiety and new difficulties in pursuing their research, with 61% considering leaving the U.S. and 45% avoiding federal grant applications.U.S. science will likely suffer given the loss of scientific talent to China and other countries. Read more of the Brief HERE.