Assistant Professor of Sociology, Singapore Management University
Peking-Princeton Postdoctoral Research Associate, 2018-20
Office Phone
228 Wallace Hall

Cheng Cheng received her Ph.D. in Sociology from Princeton University in 2018. Her dissertation was titled, "Women's Education, Intergenerational Coresidence, and Household Decision-Making in China".  She completed her B.A. (Comprehensive Honors) in Sociology with a concentration in Analysis and Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2012.

Her research interests include gender stratification, family demography, and social epidemiology. She is interested in understanding how extended family relationships reproduce gender inequality and health disparities. She uses quantitative methodologies to examine how intergenerational relationships influence marital power dynamics of adult children and later-life health of elderly parents in contemporary China. Her work has appeared in the Journal of Marriage and Family, Social Science and Medicine, and International Handbook of Rural Demography.

As a Postdoctoral Research Associate of the Peking-Princeton Postdoctoral Program (PPPP), Cheng will utilize a mixture of qualitative and quantitative methodologies to examine extended-family gender-power dynamics in contemporary China.