Position Professor of East Asian Studies, Emeritus Role Faculty Associate Email [email protected] Website http://www.princeton.edu/eas/people/display_person.xml?netid=cpchou&display=All Bio/Description Chih-p’ing Chou, Professor of East Asian Studies at Princeton, specializes in modern Chinese intellectual history and late Ming literature. He received his B.A. from Soochow University in 1970, his M.A. from Tunghai University in 1974, and his Ph.D. from Indiana University in 1982. His publications include Yuan Hung-tao and the Kung-an School (Cambridge University Press, 1988); A Pragmatist and His Free Spirit: The Half-Century Romance of Hu Shi and Edith Clifford Williams (co-authored with Susan Chan Egan, Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2009); Literary Criticism and Its Development of the Gongan School (Taipei, 1986); Hu Shi and Lu Xun (Taipei, 1988); Hu Shi and Modern Chinese Thought (Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 2002); Studies on Modern Chinese Intellectual History (Taipei, 2003); Hu Shi’s Romance and His Later Years (Anhui, 2008); Hu Shi’s Thought and Modern China (Beijing, 2012) which has been selected as one of the best 100 publications of the year by several major media organizations in China; and Modern Chinese Intellectuals and Reflections on Culture (Beijing, 2013).