Position Research Scholar and Lecturer Email [email protected] Office 353 Wallace Hall Website https://sociology.princeton.edu/faculty/deborah-kaple-91 Bio/Description Deborah Kaple *91 is a research scholar and lecturer at Princeton University. She has studied at Ohio State (BA), George Washington (MA), Princeton University (Ph.D.), and Vermont College (MFA). She teaches a Freshman Seminar on the Cold War, and a class entitled "Communism and Beyond: Russia and China." Her publications include Dream of a Red Factory: The Legacy of High Stalinism in China, and Gulag Boss: A Soviet Memoir, both published by Oxford University Press. She is the guest editor of a special issue on China and the USSR for Modern China Studies called, “The Forgotten Decade: A Retrospective Look at the 1950s,” as well as several articles and chapters on the Soviet Advisers Program in China in the 1950s. She is particularly interested in the intersection between the organizational politics of communist parties and international relations among the respective states. She is currently working on a book analyzing the origins and consequences of Khrushchev’s “secret speech,” and its particular impact on China. She was recently named a Behrman Fellow at Princeton.