Assistant Professor Jerry Zee is jointly appointed in the Anthropology Department and the Princeton Environmental Institute. Zee is a sociocultural anthropologist whose research explores geophysical and environmental emergence as sites of political experiment. His work is situated at the intersections of feminist science and technology studies, environmental humanities, and experimental ethnography. He considers the rise of China as a matter of geophysical and geopolitical entanglement, moving across weather systems that connect inland land degradation, major dust storm formation, and the eventual scattering of Chinese land as meteorological fallout across the Northern Hemisphere. He comes to Princeton after having served as assistant professor in Anthropology and Critical Race and Ethnic Studies at UC Santa Cruz and a Wenner-Gren Foundation Hunt Fellow. He completed his PhD at UC Berkeley's Anthropology Department and was Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellow at UC Davis in Anthropology and the Program in Science and Technology Studies.
Assistant Professor of Anthropology and the Princeton Environmental Institute.
132 Aaron Burr Hall