A working paper series is established as part of the Princeton Research Network on Contemporary China. Professor Xie serves as the first editor of the working series and is responsible for approving papers in the series. Publication priority is given to members of PRCC. Princeton’s Paul and Marcia Wythes Center on Contemporary China maintains the website for the working paper series and pays for associated expenses – copy editing, production, dissemination, and maintenance. All papers published in the series align with the Center’s mission by advancing the study of contemporary China. Papers should be emailed to [email protected] in a Word format. These papers will be posted on the Center's website. In your submission, please include the following on the cover page: Title Verson x.x Month/Year Author Name Contact information Institution Abstract Keywords (a the end of the abstract) If the paper is on economics, Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) subject codes Please note that the Center only has distribution rights for the Working Papers-- authors retain complete copyright. If you would like your paper to be removed from the series after it is published, or if you have any questions or would like more information, please contact the series' coordinator Phillip Rush at [email protected]. Click Here to access our working paper series.