The Center is pleased to present publications of our Faculty Associates, Visitors, and Executive Committee members.
“From Local Control to Remote Control: An Excavation of International Mobility Constraints.”
Theory and Society, 50 (1), 33–64.
The Dominance of Big Teams in China’s Scientific Output.
Linlin Liu, Jianfei Yu, Junming Huang, Feng Xia, and Tao Jia. (2021)
Quantitative Science Studies, 2 (1), 350–362.
“Large-Scale Quantitative Evidence of Media Impact on Public Opinion toward China.”
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 8, Article no. 181.
“A Selective Overview of Deep Learning.”
Statistical Science, 36 (2), 264–290.
“Augmented Factor Models with Applications to Validating Market Risk Factors and Forecasting Bond Risk Premia.”
Journal of Econometrics, 222 (1), 269–294.
“The Interplay of Demographic Variables and Social Distancing Scores in Deep Prediction of U.S. COVID-19 Cases.”
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 116 (534), 492–506.